With this Blog I hope to share what I believe to be good information concerning dogs. I am also passionate about promoting Animal Adoptions from Shelters/Rescue Centers. There are hundreds of thousands of great pets that are desperate for a new home. If not so many of these precious animals will be destroyed needlessly. If you are not able to adopt at this time, please donate to your local Shelter. At the moment I have been very busy trying to get a new website up and running, so unfortunately that is taking up alot of my time. I have been posting some of the Articles I have written, but that is about it. In the near future I will be posting more information. I am in the process of looking for good dog information sites to link on my website. If you happen to come across a great website, article, etc concerning dogs and would like a place to share them, please let me. I will post them on this Blog and try to do a link swap with the site. I would really appreciate any help you can give me. Thanks for visiting and Have A Great Day!!

You can contact me at: bustersupport@comcast.net

Thursday, June 24, 2010

The Issue Of Homeless Pets

The number of pets that are homeless have been consistently growing in number over the years and finally reached an all time high. Pounds and shelters are full and overcrowded, turning away and killing pets weekly because there are few alternatives. Still more suffer abandoned, unwanted, and unfed. The problem of homeless pets is one that must be addressed.

Millions of dollars are being poured into the care of homeless pets each year. It is sad and disgusting that such money must be used to care for an issue that could be resolved if the majority of the people would resolve to do their part in controlling it. What is your part? Read on to discover.

If you have a pet of you own, care for it properly. Make sure it has tags and could be easily identified and returned to you in the unfortunate event that it did become lost. Spay or neuter it to help control the issue of overpopulating. Also, take care to train your animal properly, as best as you can.

If you do not have a pet, or if you are capable of caring for more than one, adopt it instead of purchasing it from a breeder or pet shop. If everyone would adopt one pet, we would not be dealing with the current problems we have today

Encourage your friends and family to do the same are you are doing. Talk to them about the importance of caring for animals properly and share your pleasurable experience with an adopted pet. The further the message is spread, the more it will be taken seriously and acted upon by others.

If it is within your means, donate to the pet shelters. They are all highly under funded and struggling to support the few animals they have. The more people take this to heart, the easier it will be for pets to be brought off the streets and put into caring loving environments.

When you are looking for a new pet, please always make your first stop your local pet shelter. There are millions of great dogs looking for a home. If you need assistance in finding a great shelter near you go to our Links Page and you will find Links to many pet shelters and directories. When you find that special new pet, come on back to Busters Canine Supply Outlet for quality products and helpful info.

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