With this Blog I hope to share what I believe to be good information concerning dogs. I am also passionate about promoting Animal Adoptions from Shelters/Rescue Centers. There are hundreds of thousands of great pets that are desperate for a new home. If not so many of these precious animals will be destroyed needlessly. If you are not able to adopt at this time, please donate to your local Shelter. At the moment I have been very busy trying to get a new website up and running, so unfortunately that is taking up alot of my time. I have been posting some of the Articles I have written, but that is about it. In the near future I will be posting more information. I am in the process of looking for good dog information sites to link on my website. If you happen to come across a great website, article, etc concerning dogs and would like a place to share them, please let me. I will post them on this Blog and try to do a link swap with the site. I would really appreciate any help you can give me. Thanks for visiting and Have A Great Day!!

You can contact me at: bustersupport@comcast.net

Monday, May 24, 2010

Shelter Pets Poem

I found this poem the other day and knew I had to share it with all my animal loving friends. I contacted the author, and she was more than happy to have me post this for all of you to enjoy.

Cage's lined side by side,
sweet little faces all looking at me.
Whining softly sad little eyes
wanting to be loved.
With their broken shattered hearts
they were beaten, starved, and abandoned.
They are just looking for someone
to love, a soft warm place to sleep,
an owner to feed and love them,
to rub their bellies and rub their ears,
to take them for walks,
to tell them you love them,
to give them treats, and
let them sleep in your bed.
Make their hearts whole
once again that the other
people broke. Reassure them
and make them feel loved.
Give them the life that they
deserved. Never let them go,
never yell, beat, or mistreat them.
They all just want to be loved.
Cage's lined side by side
sweet little faces
waiting for you to take them home.

Each little face looking at me
side by side on cold concrete floors.
Barking in greeting saying hello
in their doggy talk.
When you walk past they
start to whine. They just
want to be loved by you.
They were abandoned,
they are scared,
they all want a new home,
someone to love
and care for them.
When there time is up
they will put them down
because they don't have enough
room to keep them all.
How could those people
just throw them away?
There are sweet little broken hearts
looking at me. How can you chose
just one? Their soft little whines
follow me for the rest of my life,
each little face looking at me

My name is Erin Powell and I am 15 years old. I wrote this poem because I have a Shelter Dog, and I am a huge animal lover. To think about all the animals in pounds that get put to sleep just breaks my heart.

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