With this Blog I hope to share what I believe to be good information concerning dogs. I am also passionate about promoting Animal Adoptions from Shelters/Rescue Centers. There are hundreds of thousands of great pets that are desperate for a new home. If not so many of these precious animals will be destroyed needlessly. If you are not able to adopt at this time, please donate to your local Shelter. At the moment I have been very busy trying to get a new website up and running, so unfortunately that is taking up alot of my time. I have been posting some of the Articles I have written, but that is about it. In the near future I will be posting more information. I am in the process of looking for good dog information sites to link on my website. If you happen to come across a great website, article, etc concerning dogs and would like a place to share them, please let me. I will post them on this Blog and try to do a link swap with the site. I would really appreciate any help you can give me. Thanks for visiting and Have A Great Day!!

You can contact me at: bustersupport@comcast.net

Thursday, July 29, 2010

The Horror of Puppy Mills

Every Time You Purchase A Puppy From A Pet Store You Allow This To Continue

As most of you already know we have a serious problem in this country with homeless and abused animals. One of the biggest culprets of this problem are the thousands of Puppy Mills that produce millions of sick, unhealthy, and abused animals every year. I have found some great organitions and information that I will share with you. After reading this lens I can only pray that you will never purchase a pet from a Pet Store again, and will help support these great organization so we can put an end to these horrific places and the scum of the earth that run them.

To read the entire blog and view the videos, visit my squidoo lens at The Horrors of Puppy Mills